November 21, 2010

Failure is NO Excuse

In day to day life, we come across many instances, where we think, we are failures, we are nothing in comparison to somebody, OR somebody is so great; all the Blah! Blah! stuff. We treat ourselves as if we are condemned, we are worthless, and this world is better without us.
Such thoughts cloud-up our minds, our thinking is restricted and we can't help ourselves get out of these choking thoughts...
In such times, all we need to think is...

Failure is no excuse, failure is no end
but a beginning to a gratifying morrow,
but a fact as it should be, failure is a fact.

Facts do no harm, facts do no good,
but facts do help understand the error.

Error as everybody commits, today or the other,
no one in this world, has ever leaved without one.

So wakeup, and be on heels,
to identify and rectify,
the error, as it should be,
So using the fact not to loose morrow,
So using the fact not to fail
So using the failure to succeed morrow,

But! morrow is not in my hand,
so work today, to enjoy morrow,
But don't forget,
if you had failed hitherto,
know that it was yore,
today is yours,
use it, to forget yore and build future,
and Remember,

Failure is past,
hard work is present to make
comforting future.

(Jun 2002)

November 20, 2010

Some of the things I learned in life...

Here are some of the things I learned in life,

That no matter how good a person is, sometimes they can hurt you...
 and because of this we must forgive.

It takes years to build trust & only seconds to destroy it...

we dont have to change friends if we understand that friends change...
the circumstances and the environment influence our lives, but we are the ones who are
responsible for ourselves...

that you have to control your acts, or the will control you...
that patience requires much practice...
that there are people who love us, but simply dont know how to show it...
that sometimes the person you think will hurt you and make you fall...
is instead one of the few who will help you get up.
... you should never tell a child that dreams are fake, it would be a tragedy if they knew.
Its not always enough to be forgiven by someone... in most cases you have to forgive yourself first...

...that no matter in how many pieces your heart is broken..the world doesnt stop to fix it.

.. maybe the God wants us to meet all the wrong people first before meeting the right one... so when
we finally meet the right one we are grateful for that gift.

.. When the door of happiness closes, another opens...but often we look so long at the closed one..
we dont see what was open for us.

The best kind of friend is the kind in which you can sit on a porch and walk,without saying a word, &
when you leave it feels like it was the best conversation you ever had.

Its true we dont know what we have until we find it...but its also true, we dont know what we've been missing util it arrives.

It only takes a minute to offend someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone... but,
it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Dont look for appearances, they can be deceiving,
Dont go for wealthm because even that can fade.
find someone who makes you smile, because it only takes a smile to make a fay better.
find what makes your heart smile.

there are moments in life when you miss someone so much... that you can take them out of your dream and hug them for real.

Dream what you want, go wherever you want to go..because you have only one life... & one chance to do the things you want to do.

the happiest people do not necessarily have the best of everything...they just make the best of everything that comes their way.

the best future is based on a forgotten past... you cant go on well in life until you let go of your past failures & heartaches.

when you were born you were crying... and everyone around you smiled...
live your life so that when you die, you're the one that is smiling... and everyone around you is crying.

(Paulo Coelho)

November 14, 2010

Everyday is a celebration

The westerners feel, we waste too much time celebrating this festival or the other, as opposed to their 3 per year, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. On face-value the accusation seems totally justified.But one feels totally different underneath the surface.
India, the melting pot of so many civilisations, cultures and faiths, spiritual leader of the world, through the wisdom acquired over an extended period of time, thinks and feels different. In India we know the shortness of human life and achievements. We feel, there is nothing a man can do which shall be remembered for ever, there are infinite incarnations to achieve the goal of salvation that one life cannot achieve. So, then what to do. The simple answer is celebrate every second of life, like its a gift. Give it different names, eat different types of food, wear different clothing, do everything that life has to offer and be content.

That is the great philosophy of India.