June 22, 2012

Oil Lamp

A sketch of an oil lamp. Efforts during Business Intelligence Class ;-)

June 21, 2012

Leaf Designs

Learning to Draw - III

Heart Leaf
Random Drop Shapes

Tried the leaf designs. The love leaf and other random sketches. The logical curves on the drop shaped object took some thinking.

June 20, 2012

Learning to draw shapes

Learning to Draw - II

In a cold classroom on 20th June, a professor was explaining something about the Business Transformation. The mind was wandering and a word struck... "Gem" and I thought of drawing it out.
The first thing which came to my mind was a diamond. To complement it I drew another shape of an Emerald.

June 18, 2012

My Sketches

Learning to Draw - I

During classes, the professors and the environment inspired me to take some time out of my classroom time and invest into something which would make it worthwhile.The sketched these on my notebook during some of the classes.
I would like to take this up as a hobby and improve my sketching and draw something nice.

Human Face (Attempt-1)
Human Face (Attempt-2)
Vines & Leaves