The movie revolves around the central theme of G8 summit of 2005 at Iceland (actually held in Scotland), the protagonist is an aging civil servant who has dedicated his life to service of the nation. The agenda he has been working on was eradication of extreme poverty from the world; But he does not have courage to actually push these things forward. He meets with a taciturn yet resolute woman in at a Café in London, they talk awkwardly and yet the man is moved and asks her for lunch and later for dinner. He invites her to Iceland to accompany him at the summit.
The woman, who actually had murdered a man, guilty of killing a child, leaves no opportunity unused to advocate for the poor and unprivileged, so much so that the Chancellor and the Prime-Minister are totally annoyed and make her leave the venue. But, the idea planted by her takes momentum in their minds and they resolve to stand by it. She makes them realize that greatness is something one has to strive for, and also that greatness can only be achieved by doing something so extraordinary that no one has ever mustered enough courage to do it.
famous quote from Nelson Mandela sums it up.
"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great.
You can be that generation.
Let your greatness blossom."(Nelson Mandela - 2005)
It is only upon us that the onus of doing something for the good of people lies, there is no one else to blame for it; not the government, bureaucrats or the system. The movie exemplifies that a single resolute commoner can achieve such great feat.
PS: Thanks to Urvang for Suggesting the movie. :)
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