August 15, 2010

Peepli Live

A very L!ively story of a typical Indian village, surviving multifarious daemons of their own.
The movie captures the apathetic outlook of our "FREE MEDIA" towards the unfortunate ones, the ruckus it creates, and its myopic perspective which neglects the real victims to concentrate on the juicy stories about someone taking a shit in open.

The Story's protagonist is a bankrupt farmer, who had taken a loan from bank mortgaging his ancestral farm. The bank is about to auction the land to recover the debt. The family is left with no choice, but to approach the local Jamindar to bail them out, who makes fun of them and suggests that they commit suicide so that the government will provide them some relief. They take it seriously and a hilarious sequence of events follow.
The hilarity is, real problems are brought out, which demand an answer from us. The movie juxtapositions two characters one "Natha" the protagonist who stages his own suicide to escape from the debt and family with a nondescript wretched guy, who is working hard to earn his living and epitomises "Never Give Up" spirit, because suicide is a cowardly act; It takes real strength of character and mind to face misery and yet not give up.

This Aamir Khan production is a real eye-opener, is the so-called-FREE-Media listening?

Story - 5/5
Cinematography - 3.5 /5
Overall - 4.5 /5

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