The blog is a chronicle of my creative work and a showcase for my sketches.
December 31, 2010
The Call (Chronicles of Narnia)
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before
All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and now one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger ans stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
November 21, 2010
Failure is NO Excuse
Such thoughts cloud-up our minds, our thinking is restricted and we can't help ourselves get out of these choking thoughts...
In such times, all we need to think is...
Failure is no excuse, failure is no end
but a beginning to a gratifying morrow,
but a fact as it should be, failure is a fact.
Facts do no harm, facts do no good,
but facts do help understand the error.
no one in this world, has ever leaved without one.
So wakeup, and be on heels,
to identify and rectify,
the error, as it should be,
So using the fact not to loose morrow,
So using the fact not to fail
So using the failure to succeed morrow,
But! morrow is not in my hand,
so work today, to enjoy morrow,
But don't forget,
if you had failed hitherto,
know that it was yore,
today is yours,
use it, to forget yore and build future,
and Remember,
Failure is past,
hard work is present to make
comforting future.
(Jun 2002)
November 20, 2010
Some of the things I learned in life...
That no matter how good a person is, sometimes they can hurt you...
and because of this we must forgive.
It takes years to build trust & only seconds to destroy it...
we dont have to change friends if we understand that friends change...
the circumstances and the environment influence our lives, but we are the ones who are
responsible for ourselves...
that you have to control your acts, or the will control you...
that patience requires much practice...
that there are people who love us, but simply dont know how to show it...
that sometimes the person you think will hurt you and make you fall...
is instead one of the few who will help you get up.
... you should never tell a child that dreams are fake, it would be a tragedy if they knew.
Its not always enough to be forgiven by someone... in most cases you have to forgive yourself first...
...that no matter in how many pieces your heart is broken..the world doesnt stop to fix it.
.. maybe the God wants us to meet all the wrong people first before meeting the right one... so when
we finally meet the right one we are grateful for that gift.
.. When the door of happiness closes, another opens...but often we look so long at the closed one..
we dont see what was open for us.
The best kind of friend is the kind in which you can sit on a porch and walk,without saying a word, &
when you leave it feels like it was the best conversation you ever had.
Its true we dont know what we have until we find it...but its also true, we dont know what we've been missing util it arrives.
It only takes a minute to offend someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone... but,
it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Dont look for appearances, they can be deceiving,
Dont go for wealthm because even that can fade.
find someone who makes you smile, because it only takes a smile to make a fay better.
find what makes your heart smile.
there are moments in life when you miss someone so much... that you can take them out of your dream and hug them for real.
Dream what you want, go wherever you want to go..because you have only one life... & one chance to do the things you want to do.
the happiest people do not necessarily have the best of everything...they just make the best of everything that comes their way.
the best future is based on a forgotten past... you cant go on well in life until you let go of your past failures & heartaches.
when you were born you were crying... and everyone around you smiled...
live your life so that when you die, you're the one that is smiling... and everyone around you is crying.
(Paulo Coelho)
November 14, 2010
Everyday is a celebration
India, the melting pot of so many civilisations, cultures and faiths, spiritual leader of the world, through the wisdom acquired over an extended period of time, thinks and feels different. In India we know the shortness of human life and achievements. We feel, there is nothing a man can do which shall be remembered for ever, there are infinite incarnations to achieve the goal of salvation that one life cannot achieve. So, then what to do. The simple answer is celebrate every second of life, like its a gift. Give it different names, eat different types of food, wear different clothing, do everything that life has to offer and be content.
That is the great philosophy of India.
August 23, 2010
Kankaria Lake
August 15, 2010
Peepli Live
The movie captures the apathetic outlook of our "FREE MEDIA" towards the unfortunate ones, the ruckus it creates, and its myopic perspective which neglects the real victims to concentrate on the juicy stories about someone taking a shit in open.
The Story's protagonist is a bankrupt farmer, who had taken a loan from bank mortgaging his ancestral farm. The bank is about to auction the land to recover the debt. The family is left with no choice, but to approach the local Jamindar to bail them out, who makes fun of them and suggests that they commit suicide so that the government will provide them some relief. They take it seriously and a hilarious sequence of events follow.
The hilarity is, real problems are brought out, which demand an answer from us. The movie juxtapositions two characters one "Natha" the protagonist who stages his own suicide to escape from the debt and family with a nondescript wretched guy, who is working hard to earn his living and epitomises "Never Give Up" spirit, because suicide is a cowardly act; It takes real strength of character and mind to face misery and yet not give up.
This Aamir Khan production is a real eye-opener, is the so-called-FREE-Media listening?
Story - 5/5
Cinematography - 3.5 /5
Overall - 4.5 /5
August 13, 2010
Our World - Our Perception
Let me start by citing an old anecdote about the 5 blind men;
a clever minister wanted to illustrate that everyone has a perspective, though not same and neither wrong in itself. He asked 5 blind men to describe what an elephant is like? He promptly placed an elephant in the porch for them. They touched the elephant once and later described it.
These were their descriptions -
1) It is like a pillar, the one who touched its feet.
2) It’s like a broom, (tail)
3) Like a pipe, (trunk)
4) A Spear, (Tusks)
5) Flat, (Ears)
by this experiment he demonstrated that although everyone was right, but all were wrong as well.
Let's check this other story;
a sage is sitting under a tree, at the outskirts of a village. A traveller, searching for a prospective abode, enquires the sage about the type of people inhabiting the village. The sage asks him a question, "How are the people at your village?” the traveller responds that they are amicable and good natured. The sage then answered that the people of this village are also amicable and good.
The traveller is glad of the response and returns to his village, planning to pack his belonging and come with his family to settle at the new village.
A few days later, another such man asks the same question, on being asked about the nature of residents of his present village; the traveller answers that they are very quarrelsome and jealous. The sage then warns him that similar people inhabit this place as well. The traveller is crestfallen and returns.
A herdsman, privy to both the conversations could not contain himself and asks the sage, why he gave two different answers to those travellers. The sage explains to him, the village and the people are same everywhere, it’s just our perception of them. So even if I told the 2nd traveller that this is heaven on earth, he would have felt no difference from his old village.
It’s just: Our world is what we believe it to be, as simple or as Complex.
August 7, 2010
Zanzari Trip (झांझरी)
View Zanzari Trip in a larger map
An exhilarating and enjoyable trip to the fabled Zanzari falls of Gujarat.
The people at Networks Division of ISRO, Ahmedabad thought of some means to enjoy the beautiful lush green nature after a bountiful rainfall, many places were thought and finally Zanzari was selected.
The innate meticulous and sagacious nature of planners could not be overlooked and hence whole planning process was totally scientific.
First of all a Principal planner was identified (Praful Sir), it was then decided to survey all possible locations within 200 km round-trip distance of Ahmedabad, especially with a water body. Many locations were considered like, Dholeshawar, Kabirwad, etc. and finally based on past knowledge and the current information received from various sources, Zanzari was selected. A tortuous route through Utkanteshwar and Kedareshwar was finalised. The trip was scheduled for Sunday, August 1st, 2010 @ 0730 hrs.
Responsibilities were given regarding the food arrangements, a total of 5 families were to come, Praful sir would bring Thepala's, Bhansali family would bring Puri's , Yagnesh sir and Kotecha sir would share the responsibility of the Alu ki suki sabzi, and I selected to bring sweets. I thought of making Besan ke Laddu. How many laddu's would a party of 19 people with 10 adults and 9 children require??? was a big question for me!!! I thought that maybe 3 pieces per person would suffice and hence began my work; bought supplies for the same. The laborious work finished around mid-night, Put them into boxes and went to sleep.
| Procedure
The day of trip arrived with a bang... Mom woke me hurriedly as I had overslept till 0700 hrs... I hit the showers and got dressed hurriedly, got all the things - disposable plates, Water Jug, and especially the Laddus...., drove like a madman to pickup Praful sir and family from VikramNagar... Did that and reached the Rendezvous (starting point of our journey) at Thaltej Crossroads.
We were soon joined by the rest of the team, Dharmesh Sir with family and Shobhana ji and Sneha, then Kotecha sir and family and finally Yagnesh sir and family... Incidently that day was Friendship Day, Praful sir gave away few candies and we all settled in respective vehicles.
Our first spot was Utkanteshwar Mahadev, and we started towards that, but midway Dharmesh sir took a wrong turn, and went towards Gandhinagar instead of Utkanteshwar... Realizing the missing car, we called him and informed him of the error, in another 1/2 hour we regrouped and continued... rest of the journey was uneventful till Utkanteshwar.
On reaching there, everyone visited the temple and performed other religious rites. We were busy, discussing the action plan, as this didn't seem like the place to have picnic... No open grounds or water body.
Praful sir, gathered from the locals that there was a place nearby called "Kedareshwar Mahadev" where we would find water and nice playground. We wrapped up , and started for Kedareshwar...
It was a short drive through dirt roads, and we almost overshot the turning :)
On reaching there we had breakfast of Idli with Chatni prepared by Shobabana Ben... The idlis were awsome and very tasty. It was 10.30 and suddenly everyone felt the urge to have tea (Office Tea-time alarm ;)), nearby a shop was discovered, plates of biscuits and other snacks were brought out and served along with it.
A nice playground was visible from that place and soon after Tea, we all descended to ground on the banks of Vatrak river to enjoy a nice game of Cricket with a foam ball, The games lasted 1 hour with everyone taking turns to bat and ball :) It was an enjoyable experience for me... I had not been on ground since High-school and it was quite exhilarating to be on one :)
After having a blast at Kedareshwar, our party moved on to the fabled Zanzari falls (Liril 1985 ad was supposed to be shot here, although it is recorded that it was shot at Kodaikanal),
The road we took was a complete disaster, it was a very narrow, pot-holed dirt-road, finally we joined a metaled road around 1.5 km from our destination.
Picnic blankets were spread and Lunch was served, BUT by men... It quite enjoyable... Finally my laddos were served and well received :) but my calculation had gone awry... people took only one laddo :( , later I found out WHY!!! the laddos were not completely cooked... nways moving on...
Now began the trip to the Small waterfall... but, alas... the Sun had come out and was shining hot... but the ND team continued with conviction... But, the we finally... we had to take shelter...
Some of us took refuge of the flowing water, others the shade of bushes nearby... soon the water won over shade :)
Finally, I and Praful sir went ahead to see the smaller of the falls, as everyone else was reluctant to leave the watery-abode...
And... the way back was as mesmerizing as the trip itself... It had started to rain... and the whole atmosphere was happy and bubbly... we stopped at a Café in Dehegam and reached home by the night...
All an all the trip was great fun and a bonding experience for me... and First of a Kind as well.
All Photos on Picasa (Zanzari Trip)
July 31, 2010
Happiness and Sorrow
July 29, 2010
The Girl in the Café
The movie revolves around the central theme of G8 summit of 2005 at Iceland (actually held in Scotland), the protagonist is an aging civil servant who has dedicated his life to service of the nation. The agenda he has been working on was eradication of extreme poverty from the world; But he does not have courage to actually push these things forward. He meets with a taciturn yet resolute woman in at a Café in London, they talk awkwardly and yet the man is moved and asks her for lunch and later for dinner. He invites her to Iceland to accompany him at the summit.
The woman, who actually had murdered a man, guilty of killing a child, leaves no opportunity unused to advocate for the poor and unprivileged, so much so that the Chancellor and the Prime-Minister are totally annoyed and make her leave the venue. But, the idea planted by her takes momentum in their minds and they resolve to stand by it. She makes them realize that greatness is something one has to strive for, and also that greatness can only be achieved by doing something so extraordinary that no one has ever mustered enough courage to do it.
famous quote from Nelson Mandela sums it up.
"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great.
You can be that generation.
Let your greatness blossom."(Nelson Mandela - 2005)
It is only upon us that the onus of doing something for the good of people lies, there is no one else to blame for it; not the government, bureaucrats or the system. The movie exemplifies that a single resolute commoner can achieve such great feat.
PS: Thanks to Urvang for Suggesting the movie. :)
July 20, 2010
Ways of Life
He explained to me, there are basically two ways of living life
1) For Happiness
2) For Purpose
People who live for happiness, are content and may or may-not be achievers in the broad sense of society, Yet... they are in their own world.
The people who live for purpose, get satisfaction and are achievers in their own arena and most of the time in the eyes of society at large. Seldom do these people have happiness, because happiness is a state of mind and not something that can be quantized and measured.
I argued that it is not true, having satisfaction of fulfilling the purpose and moving on to the next one is itself happiness... the joy of completing something isn't something one puts away lightly. On this he sharply replied, satisfaction of completing one's purpose is not always happiness... He elaborated by illustrating a simple act of doing societal good at the cost of one's personal life, he explained that the person, who is purpose oriented ALWAYS has to make a SACRIFICE without which the purpose is not complete.
I asked, is it always that giving is painful?
July 19, 2010
Dreams and Inception
Psyche and Intuition are the two sides of human psychology. Intuition, the limitless terrain of unknown, the grey area of science… there are a lot of adjectives which can be used to describe it; is a seat of creativity, the powerhouse of imagination and the realm where everything is achievable. It is the seat of thought, the ultimate contraption capable of analysing all permutations (tree of possibilities) for a problem and come-up with a way to achieve the goal, and all this while the Psyche is switched-off.
The human brain uses only a fraction of it power when awake, whereas it has been proven scientifically that the brain works harder during sleep, especially during the R.E.M phase of sleep. It is this phase when the human mind is experiencing DREAMS.
Some say that dreams are just there to vent out one's frustrations in life, because in the dream world, one is the protagonist and the world is as one wants it to be… but, is it so?
Haven't we all come across "déjà-vu" situations? We feel that we have had this exact experience before, but we are not able to recall when, where and how? This is the point of inflexion, where the consciousness and sub-consciousness meet, the sub-conscious has done a days work and has presented the person with a solution, and INCEPTION of an idea has taken place in the sub-conscious to solve a complex/essential problem of the conscious mind. Once this idea has taken root, the person sub-consciously works towards achieving the required goal through a path which it had worked out earlier.
The dream world is populated by the person's own projections of real person(s) dead or alive, behaving exactly like the dreamer's perception about the real person(s); e.g. One may create paradoxical situations like – an infinite staircase, a world with houses on all six sides namely bottom, left, right, front, back and top.
The physics of the situation, however is controlled not by oneself, but is enforced by the problem one is thinking about. The sub-conscious mind traverses through the maze, in the search of the solution one desires for the "MOST"; the sub-conscious being much more potent at such tasks, completes the much faster.
The time, one gets during the dream is proportional to the person's level or DEPTH of the dream. Consider this – One starts dreaming (by falling asleep) and is coursing through the labyrinth of the problem, and feels that the perspective of the problem in this level is not right, decides to see the problem a still deeper level, goes into sleep in the dream, and comes to the next level or goes deeper into the dream, the problem changes at this depth. Time is slower at the next level, i.e. the time available to do process things is more e.g. 10 sec of real time dream translates to 3 mins at level 1 dream, 20 mins at level 2 and so forth. This can be explained by Einstein's theory of relativity – consider two persons A and B; A is on earth and stationary while B is on a rocket moving at 90% speed of light. 1 min for B is maybe few days for A. It is because the time has slowed for A who is moving at a very high speed with respect to the stationary person B.
Now, when one is wandering this maze of the problem it is facing, the projections interacts with it, creating new experiences, and through this multitude of interactions, one finds OR tries to find a way out of the maze which it feels is the most suitable outcome. Here takes the birth of a new idea – Inception of the idea of the way to achieve what one wants to. This can only be achieved with patience and practice. The minds of the weak and untrained, wander through the same mazes everyday without ever implanting the idea of the way out, and hence do not remember that they have already found a way to achieve their goals. Humankind is blinded by its habitual way of knowing, we do not rely on our instinct. Our habitual way of knowing, based on needs, is the only obstacle to the knowledge of the absolute. All theories of knowledge have in one way or another attempted to explain meaning and consistency by assuming contingency of order. We try to make out an order where there is none. The real obeys a certain kind of organisation, that of qualitative multiplicity. Structured around its needs and interests, our intelligence fails to recognise this ultimate reality.
July 16, 2010
The movie showcases the true nature and cause of the epic "Kashmir Issue".
The politicians and "SO" called kashmir's freedom fighters are trying to keep the heaven on earth burning so that their houses are warm and their coffers overflowing.
The victim of this whole struggle is the common man, who just aspires to earn enough to feed his family and live in peace and harmony; but, what does he get? Unemployment, hunger, bombs, curfews, and death. This is the reason he takes to arms.
"God created heaven on earth, man made it the hell"
The movie arrays Bipasha in a hijab and a totally no-glam role, but she did justice to the role, the movie is nicely made and makes a bold statement.
I truely hope the reality to change for good.
July 12, 2010
Secrets of Life
- Patience One must be patient enough to wait for the expected results to manifest. It takes time for a nice cake to bake, and with the virtue of patience one can achieve things which cannot just be achieved by strength.
- Courage One may have all the things required to make the best cake ever, but Courage is required to take the first step, and mix the ingredients. it said "Fortune favors the courageous..."
- Confidence
- Control All the power in the world is of no use without the lever of control, channeling its direction.
- Compassion
May 28, 2010
The Pain
If love is nothing but chemical reaction to some chemical/physical stimuli, how does it affects one more than the other? The chemical reactions are not the same, not even close. For, one person may feel the world has contracted and become someone, while the other may be averse to the idea of even looking at the one. The former feels later's presence as soon as the later walks into an area nearby, not even visible or audible; while for the later, former does not register presence even when in sight or at earshot away?
Is this ranting of mine, one of the other withdrawal symptoms, or its just that my perspective has narrowed down to just this one case of mine, which is not letting ME BE ME.
April 18, 2010
Not to rewrite, but to reread;
And what was once dismissed, derided, mocked,
May, in the fullness of a moon or two,
Or even years,
Be hailed as wisdom,
spoken forthrightly at that earlier time,
And having needed courage
To face the obloquy of the others less perceptive,
Though burdened invective.
Remind yourself: A prophet's seldom praised
Before sunset,
of the day on which he first proclaimed
Unpalatable truths.
But if and when your truths
In the time become self-evident,
Their author vindicated,
Be, at that harvest moment, forgiving, gracious,
Broad of mind, large-purposed,
Amused by life's contrariness.
For not to all, only the few,
Are presbyopic gifts: long vision, clarity, sagacity,
By chance, through lottery at birth,
Bestowed by busy nature.
-"Karen Sloan"
The Road goes on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can !
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
-Bilbo Baggins [Lord of the Rings]
March 13, 2010
Key to liberation
You were looking for the key for years, But the door was always open
- unknown Muslim poet.(@The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga)
March 12, 2010
Life takes you Places
The days of oblivion are long gone by, now come the days of back-breaking load of knowledge. Knowledge that nothing keeps still, even the most mundane of the in-animate objects keep changing at their own pace.
Left School, thought that i would run along the path, life has made for me; many friends were enstranged , many more i got.
March 11, 2010
The White Tiger
The book shows both the flip and the flop side of the Indian neo-Rich mentality. The flip being, Indians still show honesty even at the worst possible level of deprivation, although the authors shows this in negative light, and metaphors like "Rooster Coop". The flop, obviously being the carrying on with same thing...
The hard-hitting reality and no-nonsense attitude of the protagonist and his journey from "Darkness" to "Light" forms the spine of the story. The story begins in a typical Indian village with a large poor family of Halwai's, now forced to manual labour of pulling carts(rickshaw), how this kid named "Munna" grows from a chai-wala to a driver to murderer and finally a self proclaimed social entrepreneur.
The Indian dynamics of political system, law enforcement and judiciary are brought under scanner and open-secrets are told. The Chinese connection is intriguing, as to whether it was intentional or for pun.
All in all the book is a nice read, provided one is braced to face hard-bitter-cold-everyday reality concentrated and given in a single shot.